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Tutorials (Developer)

This tutorial gives an example of useful functions that can be used outside of the pipeline for certain image operations, evaluations, and statistics. More information can be found in the reference manual.

Moreover, we list here the internal parameters in ExploreASL that can be used either to supply further parameters or to modify certain advanced parameters during ExploreASL runtime.

Basic NIFTI Input & Output

Let's assume you want to read in a NIFTI image and apply a mask on it. As a good first step we always recommend to initialize ExploreASL first by running the following command.

[x] = ExploreASL();

Now let's read in the image by defining the image path and using the xASL_io_Nifti2Im function.

pathNIFTI = fullfile(x.MyPath,'External','TestDataSet','analysis','Sub-001','T1.nii');
image = xASL_io_Nifti2Im(pathNIFTI);

Maybe we want to mask the image. The image and the mask do not have the same resolution though, which means we need to resample either the mask or the image. The following commands will resample the mask to the image size.

pathMask = fullfile(x.MyPath,'External','SPMmodified','MapsAdded','brainmask.nii');
mask = xASL_io_Nifti2Im(pathMask);
maskResampled = xASL_im_ResampleLinear(mask, size(image));

To mask the image we multiply the image matrix with the mask matrix. This way all voxels outside of the mask are set to 0.

image = image.*maskResampled;

Then we can save the image as a NIFTI again and open it with our favorite NIFTI viewer.

xASL_io_CreateNifti(fullfile(x.MyPath,'export.nii'), image);

xASL_io_Nifti2Im does unzip your image, so make sure to revert those changes within the ExploreASL directory later using git reset or git revert.

Basic File Operations

Matlab offers two functions to copy or move files and folders from a source to a destination within your file system. These functions are copyfile and movefile. To improve speed and multi OS compatibility, we wrote two similar functions, called xASL_Copy and xASL_Move. In the following example we copy a file called fileA from the folder C:\Users\Test_One to C:\Users\Test_Two. We then move the file back to C:\Users\Test_One and overwrite the original fileA. Finally, we rename fileA to fileB.

% Copy fileA from Test_One to Test_Two
xASL_Copy('C:\Users\Test_One\fileA.txt', 'C:\Users\Test_Two\fileA.txt');

% Move fileA back to Test_One and overwrite the original fileA
xASL_Move('C:\Users\Test_Two\fileA.txt', 'C:\Users\Test_One\fileA.txt', 1);

% Rename fileA to fileB
xASL_Move('C:\Users\Test_One\fileA.txt', 'C:\Users\Test_One\fileB.txt', 1);

Often we need to find a list of files in a certain directory. To do this, we can use xASL_adm_GetFileList. Let's assume there are five files called fileA, fileB, fileC, fileD and fileE in C:\Users\Test_One. We know that all names start with file, so we can use this for our regular expression. Check out the example below on how you can get a cell array containing the paths of all these files.

strDirectory = 'C:\Users\Test_One';
strRegEx = '^file.+$';
filepaths = xASL_adm_GetFileList(strDirectory, strRegEx);

The ExploreASL x structure

The ExploreASL x structure is the main object used to define pipeline settings. Besides pipeline settings you can also find processing parameters and metadata there. This manual contains the complete list of all parameters including those that can only be modified during runtime and by developers. Basic and advanced settings for the users that are modifiable in configuration files are listed in the Processing Tutorials.


General options can be found in this subfield.

Fieldname Description
x.opts.DatasetRoot Dataset root directory of the current BIDS dataset. This is also the first input argument of ExploreASL.
x.opts.ImportModules Vector to define which import modules should be executed. This is also the second input argument of ExploreASL.
x.opts.ProcessModules Vector to define which processing modules should be executed. This is also the third input argument of ExploreASL.
x.opts.bPause Boolean to set if you want to pause the pipeline before the processing. This is also the fourth input argument of ExploreASL.
x.opts.iWorker This variable defines which of the parallel ExploreASL calls we are. This is also the fifth input argument of ExploreASL.
x.opts.nWorkers This variable defines how many ExploreASL calls are made in parallel. This is also the sixth input argument of ExploreASL.
x.opts.bImportData Boolean that is true if at least one import module is going to be executed.
x.opts.bProcessData Boolean that is true if at least one processing module is going to be executed.
x.opts.bLoadData Boolean that is true if the current BIDS dataset is going to be loaded.
x.opts.MyPath Path to the ExploreASL program.
x.opts.dataParType String describing the type of input argument that was given for the DatasetRoot. This parameter is mainly supposed to help with backwards compatibility.


All import module related parameters are stored within this subfield.

Fieldname Description
x.modules.import.settings.bCopySingleDicoms Boolean to define if single DICOMs should be copied during the import.
x.modules.import.settings.bUseDCMTK Boolean to define if DCMTK should be used for the import workflow.
x.modules.import.settings.bCheckPermissions Boolean to define if the workflow should check for permission issues.


The x.S subfield contains masking & atlas related parameters.

Fieldname Description
x.S.bMasking Vector specifying if we should mask a ROI with a subject-specific mask.
x.S.Atlases Vector specifying the atlases which should be used within the population module.
x.S.slices Slice numbers: defines which transversal slices to use by default.
x.S.slicesLarge Slice numbers: defines which transversal slices to use by default.
x.S.slicesExtraLarge Slice numbers: defines which transversal slices to use by default.
x.S.nSlices Length of x.S.slices.
x.S.nSlicesLarge Length of x.S.slicesLarge.
x.S.nSlicesExtraLarge Length of x.S.slicesExtraLarge.
x.S.TransCrop Cropping settings: defines default transversal cropping settings.
x.S.jet256 Jet 256 colormap.
x.S.gray Grayscale colormap. Red colormap.
x.S.yellow Yellow colormap. Green colormap. Blue colormap.
x.S.purple Purple colormap.
x.S.turqoise Turqoise colormap. Orange colormap.
x.S.colors_ROI Cell array containing the colormaps from above. Cool colorbar. Hot colorbar.
x.S.VoxelSize Voxel-size in mm of reslicing & DARTEL (default=1.5mm).
x.S.masks Contains skull and WBmask.
x.S.LabelClr 64 label colors.


General settings can be found in this subfield.

Fieldname Description
x.settings.SelectParFile Variable which tells the import workflow if we have to ask the user for the study root directory a second time.
x.settings.stopAfterErrors Number of allowed errors before job iteration is stopped (default=inf).
x.settings.dryRun Dry run does not execute the module (default=0).
x.settings.bOverwrite Re-running makes no sense if you're not overwriting existing files.
x.settings.BILAT_FILTER Bilateral filter by Matthan Caan (original=1, more recent=2).
x.settings.DELETETEMP Boolean for removing the temporary files.
x.settings.Quality Quality setting for ExploreASL processing. Set to 1 for normal high-quality processing or to 0 for low-quality test runs.
x.settings.bReproTesting n/a
x.settings.Pediatric_Template n/a
x.settings.bLesionFilling Boolean for lesion filling in structural module (submodule 5).
x.settings.bAutoACPC Boolean whether center of mass alignment should be performed before SPM registration.
x.settings.bGetControlLabelOrder n/a
x.settings.SkipIfNoFlair Boolean to skip processing of subjects that do not have a FLAIR image.
x.settings.SkipIfNoASL Boolean to skip processing of subjects that do not have a ASL image.
x.settings.SkipIfNoM0 Boolean to skip processing of subjects that do not have a M0 image.


Dataset related parameters can be found in this subfield.

Fieldname Description String for the name of the study.
x.dataset.subjectRegexp String with regular expression for ExploreASL to find subjects by foldername.
x.dataset.exclusion Cell with list of subjects to exclude.
x.dataset.ForceInclusionList Use this field if you want to use a selection of subjects rather than taking all available subjects from directories.

x.dir, x.P & x.D

In these subfields we store path related values.

Fieldname Description
x.dir.sourceStructure Path to the sourceStructure.json file.
x.dir.studyPar Path to the studyPar.json file.
x.dir.dataset_description Path to the dataset_description.json file.
x.dir.dataPar Path to the dataPar.json file.
x.D.ROOT Path to the root directory.


In x.Q you can find sequence and quantification related parameters.

Fieldname Description
x.Q.M0 Choose which M0 option to use.
x.Q.BackgroundSuppressionNumberPulses Used to estimate decrease of labeling efficiency.
x.Q.BackgroundSuppressionPulseTime Vector containing timing, in ms, of the background suppression pulses before the start of the readout (per BIDS).
x.Q.PresaturationTime Time in ms before the start of the readout, scalar, when the slice has been saturated (90 degree flip) this has to come before all the bSup pulses, but doesn't need to be always specified.
x.Q.readoutDim String specifying the readout type.
x.Q.Vendor String containing the Vendor used.
x.Q.Sequence String containing the sequence used.
x.Q.LabelingType String containing the labeling strategy used.
x.Q.Initial_PLD Value of PLD (ms), for 3D this is fixed for whole brain, for 2D this is the PLD of first acquired slice.
x.Q.LabelingDuration Value of labeling duration (ms).
x.Q.SliceReadoutTime Value (ms) of time added to the PLD after reading out each slice.
x.Q.bUseBasilQuantification True for using BASIL quantification in addition to ExploreASL's quantification.
x.Q.Lambda Brain/blood water coefficient (mL 1H/ mL blood).
x.Q.T2art T2* of arterial blood at 3T, only used when no M0 image (ms).
x.Q.BloodT1 T1 relaxation time of arterial blood (ms). Defaults (Alsop MRM 2014), 1800 for GSP phantom.
x.Q.TissueT1 T1 relaxation time of GM tissue (ms). Defaults (Alsop MRM 2014).
x.Q.nCompartments Number of modeled compartments for quantification.
x.Q.SaveCBF4D Boolean, true to also save 4D CBF timeseries, if ASL4D had timeseries.

x.modules (Modules)

Parameters for additional modules are stored within the main level of x.modules.

Fieldname Description
x.modules.bRunLongReg Run longitudinal registration.
x.modules.bRunDARTEL Run between-subject registration/create templates.


All structural module related parameters are stored within this subfield.

Fieldname Description
x.modules.structural.bSegmentSPM12 Boolean to specify if SPM12 segmentation is run instead of CAT12.
x.modules.structural.bHammersCAT12 Boolean specifying if CAT12 should provide Hammers volumetric ROI results.
x.modules.structural.bFixResolution Resample to a resolution that CAT12 accepts.


All ASL module related parameters are stored within this subfield.

Fieldname Description
x.modules.asl.motionCorrection Boolean to perform motion correction in case of timeseries.
x.modules.asl.SpikeRemovalThreshold Minimal t-stat improval needed to remove motion spikes.
x.modules.asl.bRegistrationContrast Specifies the image contrast used for registration.
x.modules.asl.bAffineRegistration Specifies if the ASL-T1w rigid-body registration is followed up by an affine registration.
x.modules.asl.bDCTRegistration Specifies if to include the DCT registration on top of Affine.
x.modules.asl.bRegisterM02ASL Boolean specifying whether M0 is registered to mean_control image (or T1w if no control image exists).
x.modules.asl.bUseMNIasDummyStructural When structural (e.g. T1w) data is missing, copy population-average MNI templates as dummy structural templates.
x.modules.asl.bPVCNativeSpace Performs partial volume correction (PVC) in ASL native space using the GM and WM maps obtained from previously segmented T1-weighted images.
x.modules.asl.PVCNativeSpaceKernel Kernel size for the ASL native space PVC.
x.modules.asl.bPVCGaussianMM If set to 1, PV-correction with a Gaussian weighting is used instead of the equal weights of all voxels in the kernel ('flat' kernel) as per Asllani's original method.
x.modules.asl.bMakeNIfTI4DICOM Boolean to output CBF native space maps resampled and/or registered to the original T1w/ASL, and contrast adapted and in 12 bit range allowing to convert the NIfTI to a DICOM file.
x.modules.asl.ApplyQuantification A vector of 1x5 logical values specifying which types on quantified images should be calculated and saved.


All population module related parameters are stored within this subfield.

Fieldname Description
... n/a


Within x.external you can find parameters related to external tools and the coding environment.

Fieldname Description
x.external.SPMVERSION String describing the version of SPM.
x.external.bAutomaticallyDetectFSL Boolean to automatically detect the FSL version if disabled, this function will try to use the system-initialized FSL and throw an error if FSL is not initialized.